I woke up this morning with an email from my friend. I’ve just been informed, and have subsequently added, one of the best WordPress plugins I’ve seen since WP Touch made your blog mobile friendly. Send to Kindle. When you add this button to your blog your readers can click it and your post will be sent to their Kindle. The first time they click on the button, they may need to log into Amazon. They also can select which Kindle they wish to send the post to. The post will automatically appear under All Items or under Docs.
Here is the fastest way to add Send to Kindle to your self-hosted WordPress blog:
1. Log into your Admin screen
2. Click on Plugins
3. At the very top of your Plugins page, click Add New
4. Search for Send to Kindle
5. Look for the plugin from Amazon
6. Install and activate the plugin
7. Before the button will appear on your posts, you need to configure it. Look at your left-hand navigation. You should see Send To Kindle (below Settings) as an option. Click that.
8. Choose Placement, either top or bottom. Once you set the placement and Save this screen, the button should appear. You can fiddle with the other settings in this config as you see fit.
Here is another example. Click the image to visit this blog:
March 20, 2013
By Scott